ANSWER: If the owner of a unit is delinquent and his privileges are suspended, the people residing in his unit are also suspended, whether family members, guests or tenants. Otherwise, the suspension is meaningless. If residents were not included in the suspension, they would continue to enjoy the association's amenities without paying for them. Giving people a free ride at others' expense is a poor business practice we reserve for our federal government.
ANSWER: I know that some homeowners expect every board member to read and understand every line of their CC&Rs. That is an unrealistic expectation. Volunteer directors are not experts and can get themselves in trouble if they try to be. As a practical matter, boards should have a general understanding of how things work but should defer to an HOA attorney to interpret their CC&Rs.
Maintenance Chart. When it comes to maintenance duties, boards should have legal counsel prepare a maintenance chart that lays out all common maintenance issues and who is responsible for each--the association or owners. That requires a thorough review of your governing documents in conjunction with the Davis-Stirling Act and applicable case law. The chart is then published to the membership. Making everyone aware of their respective duties can minimize or avoid expensive litigation.
ANSWER: There is no law that requires the name of the person making the motion and the one seconding the motion. While some associations do, many associations simply state that a motion was made and seconded. Over the years, I have seen both practices and both are acceptable. Even though boards of directors are not required to use parliamentary procedures for their board meetings, Robert's Rules of Order serve as a useful guideline for taking minutes. According to Robert's Rules,
For those associations that can afford it, a professional minute taker provides greater consistency and a quicker turn-around for minutes.The name of the maker of a main motion should be entered in the minutes, but the name of the seconder should not be entered unless ordered by the assembly. (Robert's Rules, 11th ed. p. 470.)
ANSWER: It is clearly inappropriate for your ethically-challenged director to provide insider information to her boyfriend.
Problems. It is not illegal for a director's relative to bid on projects ifdone properly but doing so is fraught with peril. Most boards wisely disallow the practice because of the inherent problems when directors benefit from contracts awarded to themselves or relatives.
Censure. Your self-serving director should resign from the board if she wants her boyfriend to bid on HOA projects. If she refuses to resign and continues to leak information, she can be censured by the board and an executive committee created to review bids. In addition, your board should adopt an ethics policy.
The problem is serious enough that California's Department of Real Estate issued a "Consumer Warning."
Last week I asked if any condominium associations had banned smoking inside units. At least three have done so:
No Smoking #1. Our association prohibits smoking in all areas with the exception of a single location on the roof deck. Because we have a passive ventilation system that is constantly introducing fresh air into the units, smoking inside the units would quickly cause cigarette smoke to propagate between units and is therefore prohibited. In addition to our CC&R restriction, we have a separate smoking restriction policy. -Brian H., San Francisco
No Smoking #2. We amended our documents in 2010 to become a non-smoking facility both within individual units and in the common area. We made an exception for two older residents to continue smoking on their balconies only. These two have now passed away, so we are a smoke-free complex. -Angela D., Los Gatos
No Smoking #3. We successfully amended our CC&Rs to ban smoking throughout our seniors 112-unit condo (including inside units). -Steve R., Torrance
Adrian J. Adams, Esq. Adams Kessler PLC |